In August, a report said Samsung was delaying shipments for the Galaxy Note 7 due to exploding batteries. The Yonhap News Agency reports that Samsung is expected to be formally announcing a widespread recall of the company's latest flagship phablet, the Galaxy Note 7, both in South Korea and in markets across the world. The report states that Samsung is in the middle of an investigation regarding complaints over the Galaxy Note 7 up to this point, but that an announcement could be made as early as September 5. According to the report, Samsung has discovered that some Galaxy Note 7 units are equipped with faulty batteries. As a result, as has been discovered from independent reports from Galaxy Note 7 owners out in the wild, some units explode while they are being charged. A Samsung official speaking to the publication says that less than 0.1 percent of the total volume sold has a faulty battery, but with so many units in the wild, Samsung could be forced to recall the Galaxy Note 7. However, Samsung's investigations are still ongoing, and it is trying to work out what to do if the recall is made official. As it stands, Samsung is currently in discussions with dealers across the globe, including Verizon Wireless in the United States, and that's why the recall won't be announced this Friday, but instead early next week. Considering this is Samsung's latest flagship, and meant as a counterpoint to whatever Apple launches this month (along with the Galaxy S7/S7 edge from earlier this year), it's worth noting that if Samsung does indeed launch a formal recall of the Galaxy Note 7 next week, it would be the same week that Apple is announcing the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, which is scheduled to take place on September 7. [via AndroidBeat; Yonhap News Agency] Continue reading
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